Today was a lovely calm sea day, sailing towards Grand Caymen.
We met at the pinnacle Lounge and went to breakfast at the Pinnacle Grill
at 8:00am. We had a lovely relaxed meal, I had a "Raisain Bun" (the reason I cruise) a "Breakfast Parfait" and Old fashioned Oatmeal", a great start to my day. If I can't have one of their delicious raisainbun's first thing in the morning;
then my whole day has just gone to pot.!🙂
After Breakfast Sue and I went up to the Crows Nest and picked up the daily Susoku and the Daily
Quiz at the Exploration's Cafe. Then we read for a while and looked out at the sea.
As a 4 star Mariner I was invited to attend the Wine tasteing event at 2:00pm. The "wild horses" got me there, it was such a hard pull.!!! No really, I went with
a smile and a thirst for a new experience. I like most white wines, however red usually gives me a headache. Ah, but after 2 glasses of white and 3 of red I didn't have one today, yea.
It was set up very nice with 5 glasses each and a plate
of cheese's and a small piece of bread. The event was hosted by our Cellar Master Fernando and was held in the upper (Deck 3 ) Manhattan Dining Room.
I took a few pictures around the ship and then went to the Neptune lounge and got a cappachino and
a little egg salad sandwich along with a piece of sugar free small truffle, yum.
Tonight was Casual night so we just wore our good slack's and fancier top's .
Tonight's entertainment was Darcy Oake, in the Showroom at Sea. He is an International
champion Illusionist and one of the world's elite magician's. He was very good.
After the show we checked out the shop's, again. Listened to Sarah & the Hal cats at the Ocean Bar for a few minutes and Ben & the hal Cats were next playing
in the Queen's Lounge at 10:30pm.
Then we went to the Lido for a cup of tea and a chocolate chip cookie and took them to our deck to relax there before going to bed. A lovely starry night.