Today we slept in and missed getting to the La Fontain dining Room for breakfast so we headed on up to the Lido. This is our first breakfast here as we like eating in the dining room as then we don't
eat as much. We really didn't have anything to get up early for as it is another sea day.
This morning after picking up the daily papers, The Canadian and the Times Daily along with the suduko
and the daily Quiz we sat on our deck and read and caught up on the limited news. It is great though that we are able to get some local news. They also have the British daily, there is a Dutch daily as well and I'm sure I saw an Australian one and there could
be more, I should have paid more attention so i could reportto you. I would imagine it is printed as to the different countries represented aboard ship.
At 10:30AM I attended the mariners Awards
Ceremony (kinda crashed it). I had an invitation to the Luncheon but not the ceremony.
Adaigo, the violin and piano duo performed and played quietly throughout the ceremony. Christina Purcell our
Cruise Director was the MC. Captain Roberts, who first came to the Prinsendam 3 years ago from the Stantendam and also was on the Royal Viking presented the awards; along with the Hotel Manager Henk Hoekstra. Henk has also worked on the Windstar
which at one time belonged to HAL.
Capt. Robertson reported that the Prinsendam has 85% repeaters sailing on the Prinsendam. He also stated that the Prinsendam is like no other HAL ship as she
was not built for HAL. She was orginally the Royal Viking Sun and then the Seabourn Sun before HAL purchased her and renamed the ship the Prinsendam.
I tried to keep track of those who received
madalions and I think I got it right Any way at my count they gave out 81 Bronze Madalions and there were also another 13 who did not attend to receive theirs. They received them in their stateroom. Actually all the recipient's received theirs in their
staterooms earlier and they just called each one up individually for a photo, introduction and congratulation's.
2 Silver madalion's were presented. To receive this you must sail 300 actual sea
days. Whereas the bronze is 200 actual sea days.
1 Gold madalion was given for 500 actual sea days.
There was also 6 people in attendance
who already have their Gold.
All those in attendance who already have their bronze and or silver were also aknowledged.
We all then
treked to the La Fontain dining room for the Mariners Brunch. I received my bronze madalion on my last cruise in March but this morning I received my 4 star pin which I am pleased to have. Ah, free laundry service. Well there are other amenities
that go along with it but I do like the laundry bit.
After lunch i met up with our friends and Bob and then Rein, from Seattle, joined us and we played a game of Hand & Foot. Then we taught
Rein to play 3 - 13, another card game. We kind of got lost in our games and forgot it was another formal night so we all had to rush to get ready.
This evening we arrived at our table to find
another chair and place setting added, who is our guest/host tonight? We didn't have long to wait when Christina Purcell, our cruise Director. As with the other night, our hostess provided us with red or white wine for our table, and since Bob doesn't drink
wine she offered him a soft drink but he decided to just stick with his ice water.. It was a lovely dinner with a lovely young lady. We wish her all the best in the coming years and hope she has a very nice christmas at home with her family before resuming
her duties.
After dinner we went to the showroom again, this time to see and hear Livewire"; Jean & Gene who play mostly Celtic music. They were very lively and sounded great. Then as always
off to bed as tomorrow we will be in Curacao.