At Lahaina, Hawaii

Bob under the Gigantic Banyan Tree

This morning we anchored off shore at Lahaina, Maui at 8:00AM.

After a liesurely breakfast in the dining room we proceeded to the Wajang Theater to obtain our tender tickets to go ashore.

It was very hot; well very warm for us northerner's.

We just walked around the town, cooled off from time to time by going into a few stores. The town was busy; this being the Christmas Holidays for the school children, so we saw lot's of them out shopping with their prents.  The parents all looking like they wished the children were still in school.

While I shopped Bob watched a street performer with some beautiful large parrott's and also found lot's of places to sit under the canapoy of abundent trees that were everywhere.

Speaking of trees; the largest Banyan Tree in the US is here, and it is huge.  It covers a whole city block.  The limbs are supported in a lot of places and in some cases they hang down to the ground and tke root; to form another tree right off the original and the original is still growing beyond where it took root. It is really a facinating tree.

After dinner this evening we went to Trivia in the Showroom. It was a challenge/battle of wits between the men and the women. YEAH we women won.

Then there was a Promenade Party on Deck 8 with music, cocktails and desserts all along the upper Promenade Deck, 8.