Parsde of Sail at San Diego

We arrived in San Diego shortly after lunch time after a long flight from Nova Scotia.

Our Daughter (Susan( and her Husband (Bob) arrived at 2:00AM and we left for the Halifax Stanfield International Airport. Thank goodness it was a lovely night for driving; no snow and for a change no rain.

We first flew to Toronto, Canada and then we had a direct flight to San Diego.

We waited for a few minutes for the shuttle bus to come for us from the Wyhndam Hotel. A very nice Hotel with 3 seperate Towers. We were in the 2nd Tower on the 12th floor, and a beautiful view overlooking the Harbor. 

After a short rest we wandered down to see what all we could in a short afternoon. We wandered across the street and down the block to see where we go tomorrow to board our ship; the Statendam.

There were lots of bicycle drivers there who could carry from 2 - 4 passengers. So after talking to a gentelman (Roy) we decided we were so tired that we would take him up on a nice drive along the waterfront

We passed our HAL Cruise Port where we will check in for our cruise; then next was the USS  Medwa  which is now a museum, however we were too late to take a proper tour of the ship. There were about 7 helicopters, the same amount of airplnes. Apparently each one was from a different era. I thought the runway at San Diego was scarry; I sure would not have wanted to land on the deck of the Medway.

We passed different memorials along the way, which are nicely kept in good shape and very clean around them. Some were for the world wars and then there was one which honoured all the men who ever fought in any wars, past to the present.

Roy took us up and let us off to walk back and wander through the shops. Which we did, and also stopped to watch a street performer for a bit, Watched the ducks in a pond with a small waterfall. There were lots of people ,young & old, just strolling along hving a good time.

We decided to stop at a Pub & Grill for something to eat,so we had fish & chips, Which were much more costly than at home nd not nearly as much fish. However it was very good and so with a diet coke and a glass of water as well we were soon satisfied. It also gave me extra energy to walk back to our Hotel. When we left the restaurant I noticed a sign for the "Parade of Sail" which was to be tonight,

Tired as I was I stayed up to watch it, and it was well worth the wait, There were lots & lots of boats big and small all decorated for Christmas and about every 6th one was playing Christmas music. If you evere get a chance to see the Parade I certainly recommend it. Below are a few of the great ships which I photographed from our balcony.